Our Services

We are a professional pest control company providing solutions for all types of pest problems.

Pest Control Technologies

What We Do

Pest Control services from the experts at Pest Control Technologies; providing professional pest control solutions to local homes and businesses throughout South Africa.


Rats & Mice

Rodent: a gnawing mammal of an order that includes rats, mice, squirrels, hamsters, porcupines, and their relatives, distinguished by strong constantly growing incisors and no canine teeth. They constitute the largest order of mammals.

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Bird Proofing

Many of the bird species in South Africa are good to have around, thanks to their attractive plumage and birdsong. Urban Bird Control has become a necessity as the predator bird population fade, and the amount of artificial shelter and easy-to-find food sources escalate, pest-bird numbers are starting to get out of control.

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We all know that Silverfish are considered household pests, due to their consumption and destruction of property. are our friends – they eat flies and mosquitoes and other bugs that we do not particularly like. But unfortunately, some of these spiders leave a bite that is not as friendly.

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Pest Control Technologies


Bedbugs are small, oval, brownish parasitic insects of the cimicid family that feed exclusively on blood as they are obligatory bloodsucking insects. Bedbugs are mainly active at night, but are not exclusively nocturnal. They usually feed on their hosts without being noticed.

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Fleas are opportunistic arthropods that seek out our pets’ blood as a food source. Fleas are small flightless insects, external parasites of mammals and birds, they live by consuming the blood of their hosts. Adults are up to about 3 mm (0.12 in) long and usually brown.

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Carpenter Bees

Many people confuse Carpenter Bees with Bumble Bees, but Bumble Bees do not occur in South Africa. Carpenter bees resemble bumblebees in both size and appearance, but are not social insects. If you see a number of large bees hovering near the eaves of the house or drilling in wood, you have carpenter bees.

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Pest Control Technologies


Ants = nuisance pest. Killing foraging ants - 10% of the nest - rarely solves an ant problem because the colony remains unaffected. If you spray and kill these ants, with just any DIY product to try ant control, the colony will simply send out more workers, and you'll never reach the queen. 

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Bees & Wasps

Bees are closely related to wasps and ants, known for their role in pollination and for producing honey & beeswax. While bees can benefit the environment in many ways, it is inconvenient and possibly dangerous to let a bee hive thrive near your home.

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Cockroaches are insects of the order Blattodea, which also includes termites. About 30 cockroach species out of 4,600 are associated with human habitats. About four species are well known as pests.

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Pest Control Technologies

Mole Crickets

Mole crickets are destructive pests on lawns, fearsome looking insects with cylindrical-bodies about 3–5 centimeters long, with small eyes and shovel-like forelimbs highly developed for burrowing

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We know that flies are a common pest problem in South Africa. They're as part of our culture as strikes and rugby. However, they are a pest in every sense of the word. Flies are often abundant and are found in almost all habitats in the world apart from Antarctica.

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Harvester & Subterranean Termites

They forage for grass during mid day, workers are often observed outside the nest. Harvester termites can do serious damage to lawns in particular and flower beds, they chew off pieces of the grass and carry it into the nest.

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